Introducing the QCHS Summer School 2022
The promise of opening up a whole new field of information technology has led to a rapid development of laboratory level quantum research into an emerging technology sector with huge transformative potential. A new generation of physics and engineering students is aiming to become the workforce that will ultimately fulfill this promise. The Quantum Computing Hard- and Software summer school aims to create an opportunity for those students to extend their knowledge as well as to connect to leading players in industry and academia across Switzerland and abroad.
The summer school program is designed to answer questions which naturally arise when thinking about the field of quantum computing. The program is divided into four parts: quantum algorithms, quantum hardware, a hands-on programming session, and a series of invited talks on the current state of research. Each part is tailored to give an answer to one question.
The four questions are:
- What makes quantum computers different from classical ones?
- How do you build a quantum processor?
- How do you implement quantum computation once you have the hardware?
- What are researchers actively working on?
The first two questions will be answered through the keynote lectures each day, which not only focus on the topics of quantum hardware and quantum software, but also the crucial interplay between the two. Toward the end of the day, the participants will have a chance to put the newly learned concepts into practice during tutorials using a specific programming language. Finally, each day will close with talks given by leading scientists and startups.

The hands-on sessions will focus on the Julia programming language for quantum systems and algorithms simulations. An introduction to this fast and rapidly growing programming language will be given in the first hands-on session on Monday. In the next days, the participants will be introduced to two popular in the quantum community packages: QuantumOptics.jl and Yao.jl. These will constitute the basis for the exercises and projects that will the participants will have the chance to solve.
The first edition of the Quantum Computing Hard- and Software summer school was held online due to the pandemic. This year the school will be in person at the EPFL campus in Lausanne, but this required us to restrict the number of attendees to ~50 master and PhD students.
This is why we are proud to announce that we will be live broadcasting the majority* of the school on Twitch.
The link to the streaming channel is, you can jump in whenever you want, no account is required**!
We hope you will join us next week as well!
* This includes the lectures and the two panel discussions. Please be aware that every speaker will be free to choose whether to stream their lecture or not.
** a verified account is required to interact and ask questions in the chat

This document serves as your companion during our summer school. It includes a detailed schedule, information about accommodation, abstracts of the submitted posters and the procedure for getting the ECTS credits.